Thursday, November 13

Grass in 3D

(Stale muffins in foreground for scale)

Fake 3D, for sure. Look at the picture and slowly cross your eyes as you keep it in focus and you’ll see what seems to be real 3D. Or maybe not. Cut the picture out and put it in your Stereopticon (if you can find it, that is).

Why grass? I got a request from faithful reader hhhorses who was curious about how the recent rain and the recent warm weather were affecting our grass crop for the horses. Karla reports seeing some of the horses attempting to eat what’s popping up all over the place. Horses can peel their lips back, kind of like chimpanzees do when they’re trying to look cute right before they rip your face off and eat it (chimpanzees do that; not horses). But they can’t peel their lips back quite far enough for their teeth to grab the stubby grass and forbs. Perhaps we should feed them Acme Horse-Lip Hardener and sharpen their lips so they can eat short grass without using their front teeth. If I can find the lip files, that is. I know they’re around here somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Wow, it's in 3D! That's really cool.

That reminds me. The puppy chewed the USB cable for my 10D, and I need a new one.

Tom Hurley said...

Regarding the 3D, you can get a gadget that fits your camera to a tripod and allows you to shift the camera right to left a couple of inches to make two exposures. I don’t have that thing, so I just took a picture, then leaned a little to the left and took another. That’s why it’s not real 3D, but a little off.