Monday, December 22


I looked out the kitchen window and was shocked, shocked, I tell you, to see total birdlessness at the feeder. What could have happened? It had been filled to capacity only an hour ago. There weren’t any hovering predatory birds that could have scared our little friends away. The cat was in the house. No wild pigs, rattlesnakes, bunnies—nothing to threaten them.

Then I happened to glance at the clock. It was exactly noon. Problem solved; obviously we have Mexican birds. It’s siesta time!

From Wikipedia:
The word siesta is Spanish, from the Latin hora sexta - "the sixth hour" (counting from dawn, therefore noon, hence "midday rest").


Praying Horse said...

Actually, I think you're spot on - there typically IS a reduction in foraging activity around noon time, especially noticeable in the summer.

Alternately, you could have scared them by pointing that scary camera at them!

Tom Hurley said...

Birdlessness came first. Scary cameraness came later, as I went outside to see if the birds were simply playing games and hiding in the nearby gopher holes, ready to pounce and scare the daylightness out of me.