Sunday, October 4


The temperature around here recently has been as high as 106°F, 41°C. But this morning the outside air was doing a pretty good impression of a refrigerator’s interior, then while I was feeding the horses it actually rained a tiny bit. That’s enough to push me over the edge and convince me that I should take the day off and read my brand new copy of End the Fed by Congressman Ron Paul. Last night I had already read half of it, so it would be good to polish off the rest of it today. It’s a real book made from dead trees. I like dead-tree books better than Amazon’s Kindle books, of which I have several on my iPod touch. The digital versions are better in one way; since the iPod is also my alarm clock for releasing the three horses that are penned up for supplemental feeding, I always have it in a shirt pocket. So if I arrive to let the horses out and see that they’re eating even slower than they did yesterday, I’ll read a chapter or two while waiting for them to finish.

Meanwhile, let’s all get behind getting rid of the bloated, self-serving big-bank mess we’re in.

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