Orbiting the planet Mars is a 25 kilometer- (15.5 mile-) long chicken skull, the largest ever discovered. The now-beakless skull is difficult to identify due to millennia of relentless pummeling by meteorites, but preliminary study has shown it to be that of a Rhode Island Red hen. Although some scientists argue that it is a Barred Rock, all are mystified by the fact that none of the remaining skeleton has been found. Click the picture to enlarge.
Credit: G. Neukum (FU Berlin) et al., Mars Express, DLR, ESA
Uh-oh. A chicken with a 16-mile-long head that is also capable of space travel? I think we're in trouble. If that skull can survive thousands of years of meteorites, then our weapons are useless.
We must surrender immediately!
I couldn’t agree more. It is my practice to be very nice to chickens.
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