Friday, May 15

Finally, something I could work on

I applied for a job at Intel when it was still spelled with the “t” dropped down. Wisely, they rejected my bid for employment since I was still stuck in electronics that utilized vacuum tubes. But the new large processor shown above has potential as far as I am concerned. As I transitioned into dealing with transistors, they were still discrete components. In other words, you could actually find a transistor, a capacitor, a resistor, a coil — real things, not vapor deposited on a substrate. This processor looks like it could actually have real parts. Wow. Maybe this is my chance.

I’m kidding of course.

One thing that remains in my memory: When intel decided I was toast, they notified me by snail mail from Mountain View, California. I was living in Los Altos Hills, California. I could spit on Mountain View from where I was. The letter was sent Airmail! Maybe they used a pigeon.

Picture courtesy of the Onion


Stanielsan said...

What's a vacuum tube? Ok, just kidding. I remember when I worked on 8 bit microprocessors in school. Now that is ancient. Isn't technology amazing!

Tom Hurley said...

Truly tech is amazing. When I applied in the late 1960s, intel’s main product was memory. They were just getting their feet wet with microprocessors. Now they own the world (for now, anyway).

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Wolfram Alpha is taking job applications. Google Squared should be soon. Both will require experts in their fields. How about applying for a job to write about a field called 'old electronics'?