Friday, December 4

650 posts! That’s 2.5 Miles!

When I logged in to create another mesmerizing blog post for my dear readers, I just happened to notice that I had already done 650 posts to this blog. If these were fence posts, I would have pounded out (on a keyboard) the equivalent of almost two and a half miles of (pounded in) fence posts, if I spaced them 20 feet apart, which works for horses.

It seems all kinds of numerical milestones are occurring all at once—3,000 solitaire games, 4,600 ReCaptchas—the mind reels. Speaking of reels, I wonder how many fish I could catch on 2.5 miles of line with hooks every 20 feet. Depends on where the line is put in the water. I’ll have to ask reader Ed, who lives in Hawaii where the fishing is good. Or David in southern Sweden where the fishing is good. Susan in Queensland, Oz, may snag a saltwater croc or two. But I’ll skip Hilary in Death Valley, where the fishing stinks, though the rat-size scorpions could make pretty tempting bait.


Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Yeah come on down. We'll hang your line off the Bribie Island Bridge and into Pumicstone Passage. You might catch a few sea turtles there among the dolphins and fisherfolk in tinnies....

HHhorses said...

You're more likely to catch a scorpion using a pupfish for bait around here than vice versa.