Every morning two of our older horses are fed some supplements to their usual dry grass. It never fails that they simply can’t wait and almost run me over to get at the bucket of grain and stuff before I have a chance to dump it into their feed tub. Then, when they’ve finished eating every last tiny morsel, they nose around and tip the tub over to see if maybe there’s more. There never is. They always try. It never works. That doesn’t stop them. Maybe, just maybe it’ll work this time, they think. It never does. They always try. It never works.…
I read somewhere that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again expecting a different result. Does that tell you something about horses? Just sayin’.…
(Horse-loving commenters: I have my armor on, ready for the onslaught. Fire away!)
Mules are supposed to be smarter. You should put BenMule in there and see what happens.
Mules slightly frighten me. Not because they're huge, but because they just might be a little smarter than I am. Besides, BenMule tries to kiss me and that's a little off-putting.
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