We are almost constantly (well, occasionally) chasing cows off our place. At one time, the neighbor had a bull about the size of a freight locomotive that regarded a barbed wire fence as a nice place to walk through to scratch a mild itch, but that bull is now gone. So now we have tons of cows with their kiddies, and the occasional mild-mannered bull munching our precious grass. You might think that a place that’s two miles long and an average half mile wide has enough grass for all our horses and some cows, but a lot of the place is very steep and rocky, and parts are covered with thick brush. Besides there are wild deer, pigs, gophers and other veggies taking their toll.
These are some rare cows, ones with horns. A neighbor who thought they might be his drove over and found that they weren’t. We tried to look up the brands on them, but couldn’t find an exact match with the brand directory. We don’t know who they belong to. I wonder if they’re tasty.
We did find the owners. Their property abuts ours way up on the mountainside, so that means the fence up there is busted. That’s a mean hike, much worse than our lower fence. They’ll be by with a trailer on Wednesday to pick up the cows. Bye bye beef.
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