In 1988, the nation was entertained by the debate between two vice-presidential candidates in which Lloyd Bentsen remarked to Dan Quayle, who had made remarks about his own resemblance to the late president Jack Kennedy: “Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy, I knew Jack Kennedy; Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy.”
This little green frog seems happy to remain outside by the fountain, unlike Clarence, our very own in-house amphibian. Clarence provided us with a lot of entertainment as he would occasionally emerge from hiding to munch down various insects as we watched. Once he had eaten, he would sneak off to wherever he lived till he was hungry again. He had no fear of humans, and seemed to be attracted to us because we brought food to him.
Maybe GreenFrog is better off in his outdoor abode since Clarence met his maker when one day we found him in the cupboard smashed between two dinner plates. His little body was stone cold. Oh, wait—he was always stone cold.
Is GreenFrog sitting on the top of a wine barrel? The wood of my barrel is about one inch thick. If yours is the same that makes GreenFrog mighty small. And if Clarence was that tiny I can see how a dinner plate did him in.
In the picture, GreenFrog is trying to make himself small. Nonetheless, Clarence was probably twice GreenFrog’s size. The wine barrel staves are 0.971", 24.66 mm thick. He could probably be done in by a mere saucer.
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