Monday, July 20

Members of the over-40 club…

…where were you when this footprint was made? On this day forty years ago almost one-quarter of the world’s population watched live images from the moon of what must be the crowning achievement of the 20th century. I still get goose-bumps from seeing the images and hearing the sounds from that era.


Susan Hurley-Luke said...

I remember it well. I was in Mt Isa in the Barklay Hotel, where our family was waiting while a new house was being prepared for us. We had just moved there from Spokane, Wa. Mt Isa didn't have many TVs in those days so we first heard it all on the radio, then at dinner that night we got to watch it on a 'big' TV in the dining room. I was mesmerised - still am - by the Space Program.

Ahem. Where were YOU?

Tom Hurley said...

Where was I? I shouldn’t really reveal this, but here goes. When I was 17, I started college and got a job at a TV station. I learned how to hold cue cards for announcers, and got so good at it I was hired by NASA to do the same for their moon shot people at a studio in Hollywood. When Neil Armstrong stepped off the LEM on our moon set, I was holding the cue cards for him. The reason he said “That’s one small step for [] man” was that I had my thumb over the “a.” He still hasn’t forgiven me for that.

Tom Hurley said...

Oh, and the reason I still get goose-bumps is that the entire moon shot set was kept near zero because Neil and Buzz had those extremely hot suits on and couldn’t have survived without extreme air-conditioning. I was suspended by cable so I wouldn’t make footprints in the talcum powder we used for moon dust, and the harness I wore flattened my down jacket so it didn’t provide any warmth. Another thing that gave me goose-bumps was the handsome pay I received for that gig.

Susan Hurley-Luke said...
