Thursday, November 13

Changing season

It’s end of season for strawberries, which runs from January through November. There are maybe ten berries left in our two half-barrels. Earlier this summer a hoard of hearses — I mean herd of horses came by and munched the dozen or so strawberry plants clear to the ground. It has taken a few months for them to recover and get back to berry-making.

The next sign of season changing is the poinsettia plant I bought at The Home Depot last Christmastime. I managed to keep it alive (that’s a first!) through the summer and it is starting to develop its characteristic red leaves now. It is one of the thirstiest plants I have around here, taking maybe three or four times the water of anything else. Maybe that’s why all its predecessors tanked; I just didn’t satisfy their thirst. We’ll see how it reds-up for Xmas.

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