Friday, December 5

Berries and Barbs

The dull red and dull green in the photo don’t do justice to the brilliant colors of this toyon bush. It’s the closest thing to holly berries we have around here, and is quite the attention-getter when we walk the trail from the house to the horse corral. Anyone have a recipe for anything using these berries?

Less brilliant in color are the two black bulls and one brown cow we chased across the broken-down fence this afternoon. (Again!) Bulls have skin so thick that, to them, barbed wire is about as intimidating as cobweb. They just march on through. Especially when the wire is so old and rusty the barbs are about as sharp as the eraser end of an old pencil. I just hope we don’t have to replace all that wire to keep them out. Last time I looked, a one-quarter-mile roll of barbed wire was well over $100, and we have a whole lot of quarter miles of fence. Maybe I can come up with a barb sharpener we can turn on and send down the wire. Solar powered if possible.

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