Sunday, July 19

Clever bird

I just saw something remarkable, I think. A little brown sparrow-like bird flew out onto a sandy area where the ground temperature had to be hideous, being the hottest part of the day. It landed and hunkered down and dug itself into the fine dirt and just sat there. At first it looked like it was going to take a dust bath, but it didn’t move. It stayed there for probably three minutes. That would cook any living thing in that time! Aha! That’s what it’s doing—cooking any parasites on its hot little body! That’s what some honeybees do to the killer wasps that attack their hives; the bees swarm onto the wasp several bees deep and jiggle their wings to create heat that kills the wasp.

It looks like we haven’t finished learning from the birds and the bees.

1 comment:

Pete S. said...

Thanks for sharing that amazing discovery with us!