This is one of those time-wasters that usually you’ll find only in an office setting, and usually in a government office setting.
Click here to go to the “Circle the cat” game. The cat starts in the middle of the light-colored circles. You click on the circles and the cat jumps, trying to escape before it is encircled by the dark circles. The picture above is proof that it is winnable (no Photoshop was used to encircle the cat, honest).
Once I had the cat encircled, I continued clicking on the remaining green circles to see if I could
crush the cat. But when I got to the last open circle and clicked it, the game faded out before I could get a picture of the desperation on the cat’s face. I could sense the cat’s fright and frustration however, and that was enough for me.
Thanks to neighbor Bill for the lead.
Cool game for wasting the lunch-break... And the rest of the day. The key is pre-emptive action, wait, lead the cat one way then strike and close in for zee kiiiillll! Here kitty, kitty!
Luke is now an obsessive cat-frightener.
Thanks for that. I'm just out of school and enjoying my summer holiday. I really did not need to come across that addictive thing. Not now!
By the way, I do love your blog. I don't know if you'll see this, since you posted quite a few posts after this one. But just in case you come back to read it one day! Or if this gets emailed to you. That would totally ruin the rush of happiness though...
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