Every once in awhile I check in with Google Analytics, which shows the statistics regarding my Blogger site. There is a whole bunch of interesting information available there: How many visitors in the last month, where they’re from, how long they spent on the site, their browser type, even the resolution of the monitor they’re using.
So much data, so little need!
For example, do I really care if your monitor has 8, 16, or 32-bit color depth? Or if your connection to the Internet is with Verizon Internet Services Inc., or Deutsche Telekom AG, or Pppox Pool - Rback6.scrm01, or Bank of Scotland (honest!). Connection speeds! Now there’s some useful data! Most of my readers last month connected with Unknown (254) and DSL (215) and the fewest use Dialup (3). For the dialup-ers I’ll try to use shorter words. For you Unknowns, try this one: Floccinaucinihilipilification (a real word meaning having little value). Hey, I just noticed that the word didn’t get a red underline as I typed it. That means I actually spelled it right the first time! Wow, I’m impressed. Must be a holdover from when daughter Hilary and I helped prepare for the spelling bee.
Welcome new readers from Japan, Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina, and Sri Lanka. Hope you like silliness and triviality. I’m full of it.
1 comment:
Yikes, my cover's been blown...
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