Sad news. Of course we all know that frogs shouldn’t sleep in a dish cupboard when the dinner plates are being put away. That’s the probable cause of his demise—being flattened by a 12" dinner plate or three. He was laid to rest in a lovingly padded* Altoids box out by the compost heap. I wanted to put a few sacrificial moths in with him, but Karla vetoed that. Too ancient Egyptian, I guess.
We will now have to wait for a new frog to take Clarence’s place. It, too, will probably be named Clarence to carry on the tradition. By the way, I hope I spelled his last name correctly; I never did see his Hatch Certificate.
*Padded with quilted bath tissue, of course!
Fare-thee-well, Clarence D (now we'll never know his middle name, either). I felt I was just getting to know him, and he's gone.
On the other hand, I won't worry about you being off guard while you sleep for awhile, until another Clarence D Frogge comes along anyways...
You're right, Susan. Now I can pull the scissors out from under my pillow. Which reminds me, that may be the cause of my hair looking so weird with big tufts sticking out and various wads lying here and there in the bed. Thanks for the reminder!
By the way, the D as Clarence's middle name is, I think, to stand in for the word "The" as in Clarence [The] Frogge. I've seen this used in a lot of animal names.
OH NO, not Clarence! Are you sure it wasn't Clarissa?
I'm showing Mom your blog - she is very sad for you and whichever sex frogge it was....she's appalled in fact.
To HHHorses, I don’t think it was Clarissa. Maybe Claire?
The autopsy was positive about the cause of death: Asphyxiation by dinner plate. Gender was undeterminable due to the location of the main injury.
How sad. Clarence was a fine frog with such a bright future. At least he has left his mark on the world by appearing in this blog --a greater impact than many of us will likely achieve.
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