Benjamin was strapped into his car seat for another long day of traveling. He mostly sleeps during these trips so he’ll be missing some spectacular scenery. I’m sure he will have many more chances to see the country as he grows up and gets to look outside more.

Hilary loaded Bill and Rocky, two gigantic mules and a large yellow horse, appropriately named Butter (if they get another yellow horse, will her name be Margie?), into their trailer. At the same moment, the crew at the high ranch was leaving with horses for their day-long ride over Paiute Pass.

Hilary and company will cruise through Yosemite and over Tioga Pass to North Lake where they’ll meet up with the ranch crew. From there, it’s onward to Death Valley for the winter.
1 comment:
We're done migrating for now... and Ben already has everyone all "smiled-up" around here!
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