Leaving Death Valley this morning, we passed a familiar sight. In 1977 we went to Mann’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood to see a new movie. We had noticed announcements of the film on small billboards on Vine Street on our way to work, driving to our office in Los Angeles. “Star Wars, eh?” we thought. “Sounds interesting.” The day the film opened we walked right up to the box office, bought our tickets, and went in and sat down. The movie was a transforming experience! The sound in the Chinese was superb; the floor actually shook during the really intense scenes. We told a couple of our friends that they HAD TO SEE THIS FILM! We took them the following weekend, and were surprised to find a line of people that stretched over a block from the box office. We finally got tickets and went in for our second helping. Unfortunately the sound was disappointingly diminished. Our friend told us that she knew the projectionist and that he had had a rather rough night. He had a terrific hangover and couldn’t stand the sound being too loud. Star Wars demands a robust soundtrack to be truly effective. Oh well.
This morning we stopped to look at the Death Valley sand dunes that were traversed over 30 years ago by C-3PO and R2-D2. The dunes looked pretty much the same, but were silent. We thought of the projectionist who turned the sound down at the Chinese 30 plus years ago.
I thought this landscape looked familiar. I was at Furnace Creek the weekend before Christmas. I wish I knew Hilary was there: I might have stopped by the stables and said “hello” although it’s been nearly 15 years since she last saw me. No doubt she wouldn’t remember me but it still would have been nice to visit.
May the Force be with you.
Shawn, part-time Jedi and full-time scoundrel
Hi Shawn, of course I remember you! I wish we had known you were in the area. If you're ever in Furnace Creek (from October to May) drop on by! Would like to know what you're up to these days.
Thanks Hilary! I'm not sure when I'll next be in Furnace Creek although I did enjoy my visit to Death Valley very much.
As for me, I have had many adventures (and misadventures) since I last saw you - too many to mention here. I am of course on Facebook like so many others these days if you care to look me up. Otherwise I can be reached the old fashion way: email. fsbawden@aol.com
Cheers for now, Shawn
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