Tuesday, August 3

Low-res dial-up modem excitement

Hilary and I were exchanging emails about what’s happening at the ranch and my new Internet stuff coming next MONDAY!! Can you believe it? In this day and age I could be without swift access to the world’s knowledge and fallacies and lies and assumptions for more than a week! It seems the problem is that our local service company can’t keep up with new orders and service of the HughesNet system installations around Central California. I ordered the latest equipment and high-speed service instead of repairing my old system—two tin cans and an amazingly long string to the nearest satellite; when it rained I had to untangle the string when it got saggy and tangled in the trees.

Back to my original mention of Hilary. She came in with a freshly-bathed Benjamin, put him in front of her laptop computer and punched the button to take a picture. What got my attention was his posture—he was holding his head up without support. We had fussed and bothered about his inability to do that for the longest time. He was able to turn his head while lying on his belly which took some muscle to do, but we were always supporting his head while we held him. Maybe we retarded his muscle development by doing so, and it’s really exciting to see him heads-up.

Hilary sent the picture using the lowest resolution possible so I could receive it before I grew a beard and two-foot-long fingernails, so it isn’t up to the quality standard I have set for this high-class blog. But you get the idea. Yay, Ben!


Agneta and David said...

What I noticed is that Hilary has put rubber band around Bens arms!! Poor kid! Is that legal in California?
.....hi, hi

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Yay! Go, Ben!