Tuesday, April 28

Sorry for the bloglessness

It’s been a few very busy days with little opportunity to post anything interesting (except, of course, kitten on a turntable and cat on a Roomba). In the next few days I’ll have some very interesting things to say. So sit and wait and tune in to other, more boring, blogs. I promise to come up with some very interesting stuff to say. If not, feel free to sue.

Hint: something that once cost over $800,000 now costs a little over $200,000. Thank you, recession!


Pete S. said...

Is it an airplane? A new house? A top-of-the-line Macintosh computer?

Tom Hurley said...

Wouldn’t an airplane be nice. Choice #2 sounds more like it. We put an earnest payment on it today. Our accountant is working out the mortgage details. But first everyone has to agree on price.