Sunday, July 11

Sourdough in space

The European Rosetta probe has gotten some pictures of Lutetia, a large (130 km, 80 mile) asteroid orbiting just beyond Mars. The detailed pictures are hoped to provide clues to the birth of the solar system. CNN describes this rock as “deeply pockmarked” and “a very old object.” They say is is shaped “like a big potato.” To me it looks very lightly pockmarked. Old, for sure. But I have seen even small potatoes that resemble this asteroid, and in fact I have a broccoli crown in the fridge right now that looks more like an asteroid than this potato which actually looks more like a slightly melting scoop of butterscotch ice cream. As a matter of fact I have an old natural sponge in the bathroom at this very moment that looks far more like an asteroid than any head of cabbage ever did. More like a cat’s brain, in fact. Or a really over-risen loaf of sourdough bread-to-be. I think I can describe asteroids better than any hack at CNN who simply recycles old asteroid-as-potato garbage. I would never eat a potato that looked like that. Would you?

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