Sunday, July 18

The unsuccessful metamorphosis

It’s a bummer when your wings don’t come out right. It sure has kept me earthbound. This morning I was making my watering rounds and spotted this poor dragonfly trying to get out of its nymph case and become an adult.

The wings were askew and it kept getting its legs caught in them. There were tatters and holes in one wing. That ain’t natural if you want to be able to fly with the amazing skill that dragonflies exhibit. Was it due to global warming? Ultrafine particle pollution? Too much UV? Too much TV? Too much SUV?

I feel so guilty. I tried to help the guy/gal, but I think the damage is done and this dog won’t hunt, to coin a phrase. My miracle-making skills have gotten so rusty I can barely fly anymore myself except in dreams, and even then I only get maybe half a body length off the ground.

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