Thursday, September 25

Another stupid diversion…

How many words can you make from the following four letters: psto. Each letter must be used only once, and all four letters must be used in each of the words. No “to” or “so” or “top.” Then use the words in a sentence. The accompanying photo offers some clues.

This is one of those things that my idle brain generated when I was bored. Don’t ask why because I couldn’t answer without admitting that most of the time I am bored.


Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Not a sentence really but maybe a newspaper headline:

Post Pots Spot Tops!

Sorry you are bored.

Tom Hurley said...

Very good, Susan. 67%. Maybe I’m not as bored as I am unchallenged. I mean, feeding horses is not going to stimulate Nobel-winning musings, more like slowly rotting. Although I do enjoy studying my courses from the Teaching Company in Mathematics, Geology, Effective Reasoning, and Building Great Sentences: Exploring the Writer’s Craft.

Anonymous said...

She opts to stop and spot pots on post tops?

I know it uses other letters and words, but it doesn't make sense otherwise.

Tom Hurley said...

hhhorses is the winner! At least you used the six words I could think of. Interestingly the post tops and pots in the picture are in front of the property owned by the man who drove the school bus I rode on for some 50,000 miles during the four years I attended Sierra High School. Chester “Bud” Holdsclaw was his name. At the end of each school year we riders pitched in and bought him a very large bottle of nerve medicine as thanks for putting up with our nonsense for a whole school year. As almost karmic payback for my contribution to that nonsense, the very last day I got off the bus and started to cross the highway to go home, a car came roaring up the road, ignoring the flashing red lights on the bus and almost mowed me down! Bud honked the horn, but that didn’t do much to slow the oncoming car. I saluted Bud anyway, and walked on home, a bit shaken.