Tuesday, February 10

A brilliant idea

I ran across this idea in the February 16, 2009 issue of Forbes magazine. Two men have put together a company whereby people who need designs can post an amount of money to an escrow account and ask for designers to show them proposals for anything from logos, stationery design, Web sites or anything else. Then designers submit their ideas. Anybody can be a designer! The customer can interact with them to tweak the designs to their liking. Below is a beautiful stationery design that cost only $500—

Wow! Brilliant! I perused the site, crowdspring.com, and saw some very good design ideas that were sold for as little as $200. Once a design is selected by the customer, the designer is paid out of the escrow account. How slick!


Anonymous said...

Glad you made it home through all that weather. You must have had a cold house when you got there. It was 37 F here this morning, the lowest temp we've had in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it home through all that weather. You must have had a cold house when you got there. It was 37 F here this morning, the lowest temp we've had in a long time.

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Cute design. I'm glad you made it home OK too.

It' still hot here and the Victorian bushfires are still raging. he FNQ sloods are receding though and the crocs are going back to their usual haunts, instead of frequenting the public loos of Cairns,

Anonymous said...


We're getting terrible news about those fires. Glad to hear that you and yours are OK. I wish I knew what an FNQ slood was!

Tom Hurley said...

Pete S, FNQ is Far North Queensland, the tropics. Slood is Flood with an S instead of an F. It’s all Aussiespeak.

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Ha ha! I just read this and realised I had made a type. Sorry Pete. Tom is abslutely correct - I meant to type FLOOD.

Today the floods are still raging. 67% of Qld (Queensland) is under water now, lots of NSW (New South Wales) is too, and more rain is on the way. All of us are not living in the flood zone though so are OK so far. There's no guaruntees we will remain high and dry, but it may be OK in Brisbane this year.