Wednesday, November 4

The end is near

Like the guy in the cartoons wearing a robe and a long beard warns passersby with his sign, “The end is near,” sometimes I get to feeling that way myself. This table project has been quite a learning experience. It won’t be finished till I get it exactly the way I envisioned at the start. It was going to be a simple project where I could use some old red fir boards that had been leaning up against the outside wall of our storage building for several years. Then I tossed in some pine saplings I had cut years ago at the high ranch, and a wide pine board that I had cut on our sawmill over a decade ago. In the meantime, I did some research on finishes, and the project took on a whole ’nother dimension.

The picture shows how the finish is coming. There must be ten or twelve applications of a witch’s brew of oils, and there is one more to go (with two applications): Tung oil and linseed oil with shredded beeswax. Then, finally, I am finished with this task!

Next: Re-upholstering some old chairs. (Another thing I have never done. Wish me luck!)


Susan Hurley-Luke said...

It's looking good!


Unknown said...

So it's not the tablopalypse? Rats.

Beeyootiful finish!

Pete S. said...

I don't see coffee cup rings. When do those get added?

Tom Hurley said...

Pete S.—I cropped them out of the photo. Actually, one of the witch’s brew oil finishes contains one-third polyurethane varnish mixed with one-third each tung oil and boiled linseed oil. The polyurethane helps resist water.

I will be mixing the beeswax brew today. It involves cooking two oils and stirring in some wax till the mixture gets like heavy cream. When cool, it is applied by hand, rubbing hard “till your hand gets hot.” Cool.