Thursday, November 12

A Fall Story

When I took this picture, it reminded me of a story told by Frank Thomas, who with his family had been a guest at our high ranch for many years. Karla and I were invited to their house in Flintridge. He had just retired, and as one of Walt Disney’s original animators had so many stories to tell. One story concerned Walt wanting him to animate a scene in Fantasia (or maybe it was Bambi) that was about the last two leaves remaining on a tree. One of the leaves was fearful of dying and falling to the ground, while the other tried to console her. Frank felt in his heart that there was no way to animate the scene without it being just plain corny. “I couldn’t figure out how to do it in a way that the audience wouldn’t either groan or crack up,” Frank said, so he kept putting it off till finally Walt got the hint and quit his pursuit.


Tom Hurley said...

Is it okay to comment in my own post? Hope so. When I finished writing this entry, I called Karla in to see what she thought. She saw the picture and said, “That reminds me of Frank’s story.” Then she read the post. “Oh.”
She agreed that it was what she remembered, too.

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

I love how clear and translucent the leaves are and how out of focus the background is. Nice foreshortening.

Tom Hurley said...

One nice thing about using a full-size camera is that you have so much more control over focus. One bad thing about using a full-size camera is that it’s heavy.