Karla and neighbor/cousin Bill are heading to San Diego for a birthday celebration of their aunt Frances’ ninetieth birthday. They they will head to Death Valley to pick up some dogs from Luke and Hilary at Furnace Creek to bring them here to the northern boonies. The Furnace Creek Stables will be closing down for the summer soon, so this is in anticipation of Luke and Hilary coming up here to get ready to have their first child in May.
Karla is warily trusting me to handle a return phone call from a person she talked to today who wants to rent the ranch exclusively so he can arrange for an unnamed “major celebrity” to come for a stay. She knows that I will probably ask, “Does your ‘major celebrity’ require Secret Service protection like our last major celebrity?” Yes, the Secret Service snuck all over the mountains in anticipation of the arrival of an unnamed man who was a horse lover and movie actor before he became a “major elected national political person” in the 1980s. They made everyone nervous, what with their black Suburbans filled with sunglasses-clad big thuggish guys sneaking all over the place. (The guest didn’t make it due to advancing dementia. Too bad.)
This should be fun. Other than that, it’s the same-old same-old.
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