Karla is in Smallville buying groceries and mailing a couple of packages, Luke and Hilary are at a neighbor’s picking up a horse that we’re rescuing from being “chickened” in Mexico. Our neighbor across the river is getting one for herself to go with a horse she has already picked up, and Luke will see if it can be rideable. So I’m here answering the phone and updating a Web site and looking after the dogs.
I walked out the front door and there on the ground was a huge mole tunnel. It was enormous in length, if not in rise. I dashed up to the shop and got the wheelie-measury-thingie and rolled along the tunnel to its end. Thirty-three feet six inches (ten meters!)! I should report it to the Guinness people.

I can't be sure if we have a mole or a vole. Or a whole lot of them. One of the last things Koko did before she died was to catch a vole in our back yard. Then some weeks later another vole scooted across the back patio. And we have lots of humped trails all around.
That means you must have lots of earthworms for them to eat. Good garden management!
Hi there..
Haha, funny story. I love the way you linked the occasion at your garden with your dog Bella (look at that innocent expression ^^)..
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