In my daily perusal of what’s going on in the world via the Internet, I ran across this article in the New York Times. It concerns the distracting effect of our electronic gadgets and the “need” to be connected at all times, regardless of the current circumstances and especially the needs of our kids. Ironically, the better-off among us, those making in the range of $100,000 per year, those who have in the past provided the richest experiences for their offspring are also those who are now most likely to be too distracted to be there with their children. Read the
article; read the
comments, especially number 11 which expands on the age range of this troubling addiction.
Photo: NYT
Great article. I find myself amazed especially while observing young people. Their need to be connected to everyone electronically at almost every hour of the day creeps me out. Can't imagine what a toddler or young person must feel trying to get the attention of their parent who's addicted to communication gadgets. At this rate most Americans of the future will be myopic, obese and have thumbs the size of Texas...
Karen, you bring up another aspect of the problem. Two years ago I was at a neighborhood new year's party with a bunch of adults and a few teenagers. The teens were never seen without their cell phones. Last year the same adults, including the parents of the teenagers, but the kids were not there. I asked the parents why and got the answer that there was NO WiFi, and worse, poor cell reception.
Today the grandchid was getting a replacement phone for the one that was stolen from high school. Could not miss the delivery of the phone - heaven forbid that she stay disconnected...and then again...Goat Mountain does interfere with reception at our place! Tomorrow they will be here - can wait to bask in the glow of the electronics!
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