Astronomy Picture of the Day has an interesting depiction of the night sky that reminds me of a Vincent Van Gogh painting. A camera on a tripod with its lens left open for a period of time will produce a picture of the sky with star trails making circular streaks as the earth rotates during the exposure. Can you determine, by looking at the picture, how long the shutter was left open? Click the picture for a larger version, making it easier to figure out.
Image Credit & Copyright: Daniel López
I figured the first third of that problem out! The other two thirds of non-figured problem I attribute to Mommy Brain.
I figured the rough time to be 3.13333344 hours (metric) or 3 hours 8 minutes and .0384 seconds (standard). I could be off but like I said its rough.
Luke, for someone using a paper protractor printed from an illustration in Wikipedia, BRAVO!
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