Do you remember the old movies where Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland decide to use an old barn to put on a great big show? Well, we don’t have the time nor talent nor barn to do that, but we do have 41 horses and mules that need immunizations, hoof trimming and dental checkups. That in itself is deserving of a big audience of neighbors, friends, and relatives. Oh, yeah—we include lunch in the bargain.

Here Hilary (with Benjamin) consults with Gina, our vet’s able assistant.

Dr. Mike, one of California’s most knowledgeable vets (everything from emus to elephants) pokes his digital dental tool (finger) into a mouth for an exam.

Our excellent equines eagerly await their appointment with the doctor.

Frank, our farrier/blacksmith/sculptor does a quick hoof trim. Note his sculpted hoof stand at lower right.

Neighbor Candy brings a luncheon centerpiece from her garden.

It’s chowtime! Tri-tip, beans, potato salad, rolls, salad plate. Finished off with strawberry shortcake topped with whipped cream and ice cream. Lots of drinks and camaraderie.

Back to the original premise—lunch for 34.
The horse show was simply for entertainment!
Actually I believe the horse count (if you include the mules, which are also equines), was 45!
HHhorses: That’s because when the neighbors caught wind of Dr. Mike being here, they brought their own equines over, hoping for a quantity discount! (They got it.)
Looks like a fun day was had by all, even the equines. What did the emus think though?
Susan: The emus flew the coop. And ever since we got our cat, we haven’t seen hide nor hair of any elephants.
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