It can be a lot of fun playing with the hamster at the top of the page. Instead of simply clicking your mouse and dropping a little green pellet, try tossing the pellet by moving the cursor as you click, then releasing mid-toss. The pellet can be thrown against the side of the picture, the top, the bottom, and it bounces realistically. Unfortunately you can’t toss the pellet at the hamster itself and knock it over, writhing and bleeding at the bottom of the cage. Maybe the next version will have these satisfyingly realistic options, kind of a takeoff on whack-a-mole.
Firefox will let you stick a pea to the wall of the cage. Drag the pea to the wall (preferably just out of the hamster's reach) and move the mouse cursor outside of the cage. Then release the mouse button. The pea will stick. The hamster will stand there trying to reach the pea --forever, as far as I can tell. Or until Ana comes in and tells you to quit being so cruel. Then she grabs the mouse and retrieves the food for the hamster.
You can also stick the food to the cursor and have the hamster eat off that.
PS I am on Ana's side in this one Pete :)
Maybe I’m just trying to get back at hamsters because the ones I had as a kid used to bite me. Rats are kinder.
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