A mix of cold weather (to keep the solar panels cool) and white puffy clouds around the sun means the batteries will be sizzling merrily as they boil away their water. Actually, our power control circuits keep that from happening, but it’s fun to imagine.
It makes me want to turn on the well pump, the table saw, the drill press, the surface planer, the vacuum cleaners, the swamp cooler, all the lights inside and outside, the electric teapot, the blender, the waffle iron, the air conditioner, both computers, both TVs, all the satellite receivers and then build a fire on the living room floor and dance around it chanting. But Karla would probably have me taken away in a straightjacket.
It’s just that partly cloudy days make me so happy.
I love white, fluffy, whipcream clouds in a blue sky,too. Just like it was down here today--(We must be related.)
EVerybody loves white, fluffy, whipcream clouds. Even if you're not related.
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