This is really very strange (aside from my grumpy face in the photo). An article in the
New York Times about how you see yourself in a mirror has some very interesting insights. If you look in a mirror and trace around your face on the glass with a marking pen, you will see that the drawing you made is exactly half the size of your actual face. But even weirder, look at your face in the outline you just drew as you approach or back away from the mirror. It still fits that outline, regardless of how close or far back you move! I tried it and it’s amazing! Or counterintuitive at least.
Even though I am using an ancient Chinese mirror (recently updated with high definition 1080p glass), any mirror big enough to show your face will work.
Oh, one more thing. Look at the picture and tell me where the camera is; I had to do a bit of planning to make this come out.
I just thought I’d jump in and answer the question that I know is on everyone’s mind—“Why doesn’t Tom shave that thin fuzz off the top of his head?” Answer—I’m hoping it goes to seed.
Ha ha! Keep hoping.
Pretty clever picture. I was wondering if the camera was placed a long way from the mirror, on the same level as the mirror's base, so the camera would appear small in the mirror but the scrolly bit would obscur it anyway. You zoomed in on your picture in the mirror, of course.
Susan — Nope. The camera is only slightly farther from the mirror than I am, and at about the same level as my eyes. Try it at home; see where the camera has to be to duplicate the picture.
OK I will try an experiment when I am sitting in front of a mirror one day soon. Oh and did I tell you? You resemble my brother Michael. Or he resembles you. It's hard to tell with mirror images.
Susan, Michael resembles your grandfather Frank. I guess you just can’t keep something so good down for long.
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