When I described the charming fellow above to Karla, she named him/it Fred. Nothing alliterative, just Fred. Not Ray Rattlebottom, Robbie Razortooth, Rick Ratgobbler. Just Fred. As for me, I’m staying away from animal naming for awhile to let them regain their dignity. Humans should stick to naming their own kids, except for those people who really go overboard. We know a young man who got named Rockblaster. I’m not kidding. Come to think of it, that’s a pretty good name for a rattlesnake, but I am going to remain mum. After all, I restrained myself from naming a bobcat after being chewed out by a ground squirrel.
Below, Fred sports a pretty good set of noisemakers. I bet he has fun on the Fourth of July with that array.

Normally I don’t react physically when I come across a rattlesnake. My first thought is “where did I put the snare?” But this guy measured 3-1/2 feet, just over a meter, and I wouldn’t be able to stuff him into the usual plastic bucket for transport to a nice new neighborhood. So I let him mosey off to enjoy the upcoming holiday weekend after I experienced a whole-body chill when he reared up and seemed to say,
“Get out of my way!”Yessir, Fre— Oops!
Dang, he's a good looking fellow! Put our last encounter with a scrawny pickchicken size snakelet to shame. Are you sure it's a he? Maybe she should be named Eve.
Unless gender can be determined from a substantial distance, I’m just going to flip a coin. It came up tails which means his/her sex can’t be determined by flipping a coin.
God!!! I'm glad I'm not there with Fred in real life. Your pictures are gorgeous!
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