As I write, my new robot is cleaning the floor. And doing a very good job of it, I might add. Today I hit Costco, my favorite place on earth other than the warm waters off the Kona coast, and purchased an iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner. Costco had them on display for a few months already, and I had hinted to Karla as we passed by them in the store that it might be a nice addition to the family. She was noncommittal, as she should be, having a husband who’s a gadget freak. My resistance to buying it finally broke down today, and I brought it home and plugged it in to charge it up and hoped it would impress me. It does.
Oops! What was that? Something just crashed. Oh no! It just ran into our ancient Ming vase and knocked it over! Oh no! It ripped all the tassels off the only surviving Persian rug from the glory days of Babylon, and it’s shredding my collection of 1940s comic books! Gotta go!!
Triple bonus! The cat hates it!
I can't believe it Tom. You really have a robot vacuum?? I didn't even know they existed. For Heaven's sake, I certainly must get out more!
It has a spinning side brush that gets against walls and into corners so it hardly misses a crumb. Right now it's ridding the house of all the dog hair that got stuck under furniture where we never reached before. So I have to clean the brushes a bit more. Unfortunately, the cat is already getting used to it, so that bonus is diminishing.
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