Saturday, July 5


This is the 200th entry to my blog. It could be a special occasion, but it got me to thinking: Why is it we ascribe such importance to events that end in zero? I mean, zero means nothing. Two zeroes should signify even greater nothingness. So to dishonor the undeserved insignificance of zero, my 200th entry is —


Does that make sense? I’m losing the ability to keep track of triple/quadruple negatives. My defense is the slowly rotting mind. Please comment.

Or not.

After all—

it’s nothing.


Anonymous said...

This is most definitely not a comment.

Tom Hurley said...

No thank you.

Anonymous said...

What your slowly rotting mind needs is Susie to tell stories to it. We laughed so hard we cried, and then we caught our breath, and then we cried some more.

It wasn't even funny: she was in a zoo in Mexico waiting for a plane and a drunk man stuck his hand in the tiger cage and the tiger ate it.

Tom Hurley said...

Leave it to Susie to find a Mexican airport with a zoo in it!