Friday, January 2

Big pig dig

On a walk to the corral we were surprised to see the huge pit dug by the local gang of pigs. It’s big enough to bury a cat. (Hm-m—Don’t give me ideas.) Pigs are very smart animals, but they aren’t known for making and using tools. In fact, they use their snouts for digging. So to see the great big hole beside the trail made me wonder about the condition of those snouts after all that work.

Also, what were they looking for? The nearest oak tree has no acorns that we know of, and if any tasty roots were down there, we don’t know what plants produced them since there’s only some miner’s lettuce and a bit of chickweed. There is a walnut tree nearby, but it died ten or more years ago.

Maybe they were celebrating the new year by having a contest to see how many snouts deep they could go before they suffocated. Or maybe they just wanted to see their work featured in a blog again. I’ll bet that’s it—they’re pulling my leg. It’s all a joke. I’ve been tricked again into writing meaningless nonsensical pig news.



Anonymous said...

Were they digging up truffles, which are known to grow under oaks?

Tom Hurley said...

How do they cook the grubs? Also, do they know what truffles cost? Do they have such refined taste? The closest thing to truffles around here that I know of is muffins, made by the horses.