Thursday, January 8

Bloggin’ in the Fog

The weather forecast for today called for cloudiness. We walked maybe a half mile (0.8 km) up from the house and got into some pretty heavy fog. Rather than tempt fate and smack into something unseen, we turned back. After all, we could have been mobbed by horses who could be blindly dashing down to the brand new salt block we bought them yesterday. Horses don’t have fog lights (neither do we) and because of the limited visibility we could collide with disastrous consequences. On the way back I managed to sneak up to a couple of the neighbor’s cows which had snuck onto the place and were munching our precious grass at their usual frenetic pace. Compare the rates of consumption between horses and cows: Cow—munchmunchmunchmunch, swallow, munchmunchmunchmunch; Horse—munch, pause, chew, munch, pause, chew. Swallow. Belch. Munch. Chew, pause (it’s about here that horses get confused and break the sequence, so they stop, think for a bit, then resume). Munch, pause, chew, munch…


Anonymous said...

We found both a typo and a flat-out error in your blog!

You must have been befuddled by fog.

Tom Hurley said...

Fixed the typo. Thanks. Error wise, I couldn’t find any. Perhaps it’s munch, munch, chew, pause?

Anonymous said...

Try Swallow. Belch. Munch.

One of these three functions is not physically possible to be made by a horse (or so says the veterinary world).

Tom Hurley said...

You’re right, though I once witnessed a horse throwing up, which is also not supposed to be too common. I meant fart.