Above is a shot I took from a helicopter last year. It’s a little lake at something like 9,000 feet (2,750 meters) elevation between Florence Lake and Huntington Lake. Looks pretty crappy. I wonder if that’s cow manure mucking up the water. There were no cattle around this lake at the time, but I know they come up there to graze during the summer season. Or maybe it’s runoff from the Totally Addicted Mega Coffee Drinkers’ Big Springtime Bash that’s held every odd year after a Coronal Mass Ejection. They toss their used grounds into the nearest body of water hoping that they will be there the next time they return. Makes the new brew even stronger, if you re-use the water. Saves money, too, what with shipping costs from Jamaica and the Kona Coast of Hawaii. They do have to be careful that they don’t mistakenly pick a cattle-stained lake, though. From the caffeinated lakes the fish actually jump into your creel and gut themselves, ready to eat. Saves work and time. I wonder if anyone has gotten a patent on that.
See what happens when I don’t have anything legitimate to write about? Sorry.
You and cartoon strip writers have the same daunting task: producing something new every day. I often marvel at the determination of those cartoonist that have managed to keep it up for decades running. We, the readers, thank you!
Thanks Pete S. I never thought of it that way. To me it’s therapy.
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