The old tack shed at Muir Trail Ranch served nobly for decades, but time had taken its toll and we decided to knock it down and turn it into firewood. Some new fence was near the shed and would have been damaged if the shed fell on it. Frank the farrier took a short break from shoeing and wielded a log-splitting maul to get one of the upright posts moved out of the way.

After removing the cross-bracing, Briana and Jesse were ready to play bulldozer.

You go girls! Frank gets out of the way.

Mission accomplished!
Hope that no news is good news regarding the fire. My first experience with fire happened when the barn next door burned down in the middle of the night. I was about five years old and was awakened by the red glow coming my window. I woke up Mom and Dad, and by the time they got outside about everyone in Ferndale was already there. Dad rushed out to see if the flames and heat had killed the Golden Pheasants he had penned up in the back. They were fine and none of our outbuildings were damaged. For many nights afterwards I would sit up in bed and watch for fire. Somebody had to!!
You’re right, no news. Lots of smoke, but so far no flame. Control of the fire is expected by next Monday.
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