This is showing on Tuesday’s
Astronomy Picture of the Day. I think they finally ran out of real pictures of the universe and are starting to make things up. Like this, for example, supposedly taken by The Hubble Space Telescope. Baloney! I can see that it’s a couple of heads of cauliflower Photoshopped onto a splash of ketchup and orange juice with a few little sprinkles of starlike things tossed in. They can’t fool me!
Hey Tom, my first reaction to the Astro picture was that this looked like something Jackson Pollack did when he dropped a can red of paint on some yellow stuff that he had smeared on a black canvas when he was cleaning up another mess. (I brought up Jackson on Google and found some interesting stuff there.) Half of the "cauliflower" resembles a large desiccated cabbage rose that has lost all its true color. Maybe Jackson was experimenting with collage. Maybe my analysis indicates that I have stayed up too late and should retire. Goodnight.
Pat, I greatly admire anyone who can spell “desiccated” correctly. Did you do it on the first try?
I am equally full of admirration for anyone who readdily reallizes it was speled correctly. Remmember, I am fond of mm's.
Whhoaa! I seeem too hav startedd sommething.
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