As I approached the creek crossing to come back from the corral to the house this morning, who should be crouching under the buckeye tree by the huge rock but Bob-Kitten! So named last September when I got the photo shown below, he has been pretty elusive ever since. The picture above was taken no more than 8 feet or 2.5 meters from the now-bigger, adolescent feline. I was tempted to call him Bob, but after being chewed out yesterday by Earl Squirrel (real name: Reginald) I didn’t want to be attacked by a bobcat! Even verbally.

Since I don’t speak or understand any feline languages except the one spoken by Raven, our house cat, I am only guessing that this fine creature’s name is Montgomery. As for Raven, his every utterance means only one thing: Feed me.
A fine looking fellow, MOntgomery. I wonder if he could give me any advice about transporting cats from one end of Qld to another, then getting a Body Corp to accept their presence on our property?
Too bad you don't speak his language. Maybe Reginald is bi-lingual and could ask him for you to tell me?
Congratulations on those pictures. The few times I have glimpsed bobcats, they were far away --and getting farther fast.
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