Soon to be airborne (Hilary is putting this model in the box as I write) and on his way to
England, Ravenhill is finished. A new mane and tail are the only changes, besides a little fleshing out of the body to make him more robust. To make the modifications, Hilary used gray epoxy on the white polyurethane body. To see if things are just right, she then paints the horse a single color. We were out of her preferred gray primer, so she used red paint instead. The finished porcelain horses won’t be red, but that would be interesting, I think. Maybe I can order a custom paint job.
Beautiful! In any colour! I think I like the chestnut horse you showed a few days ago though.
Just a thought, Tom - a friend of mine just made a fun zebra card where the zebra was painted all the colours of the rainbow. Now wouldn't that be interesting instead of red???
OHHHHHHH--------So Good looking* * * * * Way to go Hil. . . .! ! !
Nice! Now I understand the two colors seen in the picture of June 4. Added epoxy was the second color. Looking forward to seeing the porcelain.
Susan, a rainbow-colored horse would be laughed out of the corral, or the pasture even. They’re terribly conservative, you know.
Patt: It’s even better looking than the picture!
Pete S.: There are so many mysterious things going on when horses are being sculpted and modified! You should ponder this: We make sprueless castings! Nobody else does. It’s a secret. If I told you, I’d have to… well, you know the rest.
Just as well your horses live there instead of here then. Over here, they would be cited for discrimination if they laughed at a 'different' horse.
Susan, the same policies hold here, in spades!
Tom, I heard about your secret sprue-less casting a few years ago. After reading Hilary's web site and looking at the pictures, I came up with a guess as to how you did it. You simply . . .
Wait, I'd better use a private, encrypted email to send in the idea for debunking (in case it happens to be correct).
Pete S. — Hush yo mouth! Don’t even mention that you know our secret. Sprueless casting is now officially a United States state secret, lest the Chinese find out and totally wreck our economy with its brilliant saving of material and time. I would rather you reveal your secret electronic engineering stuff you do for all the black operations. You know, the anti-matter propulsion systems used in the so-called UFOs. They’re not U, just FO, to you anyway.
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