This Nabisco product comes out surprisingly well in my scientific analysis. I started with a new package and sorted the crackers into two piles: Whole and Broken. They’re packaged by weight, so I weighed the whole ones, then the broken ones. If a cracker had only a tiny corner missing, it went in the broken pile. Using those criteria, the whole-versus-broken ratio was 23:4. If I included the ones that were only nominally broken in the whole-cracker pile, which is only fair, the ratio increased to an astounding 19:1! For every nineteen crackers in the package, only one cracker’s-worth is broken to any significant extent.
Statistics like that are hard to beat. If Nabisco took the care necessary to pack and ship only unbroken crackers, the cost would surely be much higher. Besides, the buyer simply needs to do what we do in our house; we have the package opened, sorted, and re-packed by our man-servant. He gets to keep the broken ones.
Your scientific analysis is truly impressive.
I'm even more impressed by your good taste in crockery. I usually have exactly that set in my very own kitchen cupboards. They are all carefully packed away in preparation for our next move right now.
What are the odds of that happening, given that we live on opposite sides of the world?
Easy. The crockery is made at a place in the middle—Japan!
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