On the left is what these little plants may someday become, not blue agaves, since that’s another variety, but BIG agaves. The blue is at least as tall as a horse and is probably 20 years old, or 2,000 centidecades metric.
The part of the hill where I’m doing the planting is composed mainly of decomposed granite, a coarse crumbly ground that is sometimes loose and gravely and sometimes as hard as a brick. I’m digging the holes nice and big so their roots can get a good start. It is so surprising when I’m hacking a hole in the really hard stuff to run across a root from the nearby apricot tree. Those roots must dissolve the granite or something because I can’t see how they push their way through what is nearly impenetrable rock. Plants are amazing, kind of like house frogs. We miss you, Clarence.
Now putting in plants that takes 20years to get to horse-vicious height is forward thinking gardening. How are you going to protect your Great Wall from the horses in the meantime? We have a great scarecrow family living near us - they just had a 16lb 'little bundle of straw' (it was a boy) but I guess it will be 20 years or so before he wants a job, so that's no good to you. If it were hotter there I'd suggest a bouganvilla vine - lotsa nice, nasty thorns on them while they bloom so sweetly, and very fast growing. Roses are probably out as well. I'm not sure how they would survive frost and snow. Aunt Pat would know. Oh well - there's always good, old fashioned barbed wire I guess, but knowing you, you will have worked out a much more inventive option I am sure!
I'm with Susan. Barbed wire. Or an electric wire to give them a jolt. Which would involve a lot of fiddling.
Here’s how I figure it—When you get bitten by a big snake, you’re wary of little snakes, too.
Ha ha! OK - hope it works!
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