I looked on my brand new GPS gizmo for local lodgings. First on the list was Muir Trail Ranch! No kidding! It was listed as being 2.6 miles from were I am, which is at the winter address of Muir Trail Ranch! Weird for sure. I clicked through the instructions, and got to a place several miles from our actual location.
This is really more of the same problem the ranch has had forever. The actual facility is located in Fresno County, but the business address is in Madera County. The business telephone number is in Oakhurst, Madera County, but the area code is in Mariposa County. The mailing address is in Ahwahnee, but the off-season physical address is in Raymond. Not only that, nobody can spell Ahwahnee, and few can pronounce it. As for pronunciation, people say Mour or Meer for Muir. When I say it rhymes with Pure, they say Poeur, Peer, or Poor.
Is there a future for a place that doesn’t exist where it says it does, has an unpronounceable name, can’t be found on Mapquest, doesn’t exist in the phone book where it is, and everyone thinks Ahwahnee is in Yosemite National Park (the Ahwahnee Hotel) or the ranch is in the Muir Woods north of San Francisco?
With Google Maps, I found the address displayed on your GPS receiver. Turning on the satellite view, I looked 2.6 miles southwest of the address, hoping to see the Great Wall. But of course the satellite photo was taken before the Great Wall was built. But neither was there any sign of your place.
So the answer to your question seems to be "no, there is no future for such a place." It can't even be found by a spy satellite.
Not being found by spy satellites has its advantages. I’m going to have to follow the navigator to that address—it could be that we have a hidden asset there that we could operate during the winter months!
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