Around here, “
End Road Work” doesn’t apply. We are having a roundup of our ponies this coming Saturday (now there’s an opportunity for pictures!), so we decided to be at least a little nice to the throngs of guests we’ve invited by smoothing out some of the really nasty parts of our 3-mile-plus (5 kilometer) driveway. The road is dry, and our motor grader is smallish, so we didn’t do as much smoothing as I would like, but we made substantial progress considering the limitations. There may be more work tomorrow if we have time, since one of the things we’re doing is taking a trailerload of oil drums full of used oil and old diesel fuel out that same driveway to meet a pumper truck which will suck up all our old crud and take it to an oil refinery and make it into wonderful fresh new petroleum products. We have to pay them to do the deed, but that’s okay with us. Pouring it into a stream or lake would be cheaper, but that would make the fish taste funny, and those fish would be neither healthy nor healthful. Then we may go to the Small City and get more mulch for the trees. Depends on how much time we have. I’ll be sure to let you know.
Oh, I almost forgot. The judge for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal made her final decision regarding our use of horses in the wilderness. Pretty exciting stuff, but I don’t have time to explain (actually, I have to re-read her decision to make sure she actually judged more or less in our favor!). You never know when it’s written in Latin. Especially if your only foreign language is Greek so you can understand your doctor.
1 comment:
I sure do hope the judge DID rule in your favour. I know you'll let us know the results when you've had time to digest her judgement.
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